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Providing Everything You Need

Seahorse Consulting helping you find the right leadership for your organizaiton

Executive Search

To  build a great organization you need great leadership

Here at Seahorse Consulting we help companies find the right executives, through our Executive Search Hiring process.

Senior To Middle Level Hiring

A great organization also needs great senior and mid level management

We know organizations don't only rely on executives to make the magic happen, but also need senior and mid level management. So, we are here for our clients to find them a management be their champions.

Seahorse Consutling will help you find the right management for your firm
Seahorse consulting can help you get the market human resources intel, to build the right employee brand image for your organization


Get the intel that will make MVPs want to come to you

Hiring might not be the issue for your organization, but getting the right intelligence to make sure those that you hire don't leave.

Recruiter Training

Keep the hiring process inhouse

Either your expanding your organization or need them to get better, so they can find your MVPs inhouse. We can help your organization build a better Human Resources function to do everything inhouse, and make sure costs are kept low.

Seahorse Consulting will help you train your inhouse recruiters, so they can help you find the right talent in house
Find Indian talent for your company outside India by using Seahorse Consutling's services

Overseas Hiring

Find MVPs in India to work for you abroad

Need to tap into the Indian market to find the right people for your organization in another country or just planning on expanding abroad? We can help you with finding the right type of MVP for your needs.


[Currently serving US & Gulf Clients]

Reach out to us for quote or answers for your quires

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